About Me

I  took early retirement from my job as a primary school teacher and now divide my time between paid work cycle instructing, peripatetic cycle repairing  and voluntary work with the local borough group of the London Cycling Campaign, Lewisham Cyclists,  of which I’m, at present, the Community Engagement and Rides coordinator.

Lewisham Cyclists run a regular weekend social rides programme, as well as supporting local people who cycle or wish to cycle through activities such as route finding, buddy riding new routes with people, and further cycle training to supplement the free lessons that the council provide.  We also have a few bikes which we loan for nothing more than a donation to our funds.   We also run a drop in bicycle repair and maintenance in the borough, in Deptford, where we aim to help people learn the skills to maintain and mend their own bikes.  If you want to find out more about Lewisham Cyclists the website is here

As for me, I guess I am  more than a bit obsessed, and have been for about 50 years and more, with riding my bike.

I live in London and have done since I was 17.  And also a few years off and on during my childhood.  (My dad’s job took us all over the country).  So, when people ask me where I’m from, I say I’m a Londoner.   And having ridden my bike all over this city for so many years, I feel I know this city fairly well.

The bike is my primary mode of transport, always has been.  I have never owned a car, although I have driven in the past (long, long time ago).   I’d like to think this blog will help a few people to see that bicycle riding  is a great way, not only to get around town, but also to travel the world, too.  With a bit of imagination and help from a few mass transport systems now and then, there is no limit to how far you can go.


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